Reduce pain, improve mobility, enjoy life!
mudgeephysio is committed to providing the highest quality physiotherapy services to our elderly clients. Whether you, or your loved one has problems with pain or mobility, our experienced Physiotherapists can provide you with the tools to improve quality of life.
This may involve hands on treatment, prescription for use of specialised equipment e.g. splints or walking aids, exercise prescription, or perhaps referral to participate in our balance and strength classes. Whatever your requirements, our goal is to keep you pain free and as mobile as possible to ensure you can remain active and healthy.
Balance & Strength Classes
Classes are held periodically and focus on balance exercises, and strengthening of the large muscle groups with the goal of preventing falls, reducing pain, and improving mobility and exercise tolerance. Ultimately the goal is to improve the quality of life for all participants.
Class numbers are small so the Physiotherapist/ Exercise physiologist can tailor each participant’s program to suit their level of ability.
Your private health fund may cover part, or all of the costs of the class. If you are a DVA gold card holder, you will require a current referral from your general practitioner for classes to be covered under DVA.
If you have a group that is interested in participating, please contact us at mudgeephysio.